فهرست مطالب
مجله پزشکی تامین اجتماعی
پیاپی 51 (بهمن تا اسفند 1388)
- 52 صفحه،
- تاریخ انتشار: 1389/01/20
- تعداد عناوین: 10
- مقاله های علمی
صفحه 97
- برگزیده مقاله ها
صفحه 104
- گوناگون
صفحه 106
صفحه 107
صفحه 113
صفحه 114
Page 71Hearing loss is one of the most common causes of patients’ referral to the Ear, Noseand Throat clinics. The development of hearing loss can be acute, subacute or chronic.It is classified into three groups of conductive, sensory neural or mixed hearing lossand is caused by multiple factors. The strategies adopted for management or rehabilitationof these patients depend on the underlying cause and could be medical orsurgical. Here, the prevalence of multiple causes of hearing loss was studied of which,presbycusis was the most prevalent cause. The knowledge of prevalence of multiplecauses of hearing loss is necessary for setting up and organizing of appropriate management and rehabilitation programs.
Page 75Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of central nervous system in humans and ademyelinating disorder of the brain and spinal cord that has been described in theliterature for more than 150 years. The French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot hasestablished the criteria for diagnosis of MS in the middle of the 19th century. Now, hisoriginal diagnostic triad is known not to be specific and, in fact, over the years, numerousother diagnostic criteria were developed, all of which had a lack of specificity forthe illness, thus including many false positives.
Page 79The complete blood count (CBC) test was performed manually until the early 1960s.the manual methods were labor-intensive and involved using of centrifuges, spectrophotometers,counting chambers with etched grids, and stained wedge smears ofblood. Automated methods were gradually replaced the manual methods most diagnosticlaboratories since 1960s. Initial analyzers were essentially less sophisticatedversions of today’s impedance particle counters in which a stream of particles (bloodcells) was sent through an aperture between two electrically charged electrolyte baths.Impedance of the voltage potential between the two baths would register the presenceof each particle as it passed through, and the magnitude of the voltage impedance wasproportional to the volume of the cell, allowing for direct measurement of mean corpuscularvolume (MCV) in red cell populations and discrimination of platelets and othercells based on volume thresholds. Direct measurement of red blood cell volume hasalso allowed for the development of a new basic red cell index, the red cell distributionwidth (RDW).
Page 89Survival rates for childhood cancer have now reached over 70 percent and caringfor a chronically ill cancer patient imposes a host of long-term stressors for parents.Although these stressors vary over time, they can be categorized as those that parentsexperience at the time of diagnosis, during developmental transitions, that are relatedto the ongoing health care needs of their child; and as their child experiences illnessexacerbations and hospitalizations.There has been a plethora of studies whose purpose was to describe the needsand stressors of parents of children with chronic illnesses but there is a paucity ofintervention studies designed to enhance coping in this populations. This article willreview the intervention studies performed on parents of chronically ill children withcancer including disease specific educational interventions, stress point interventions,problem-solving skills training, educational-behavioral interventions, and other strategiesto enhance coping in this group. This review will also delineate a complete nursingassessment guide for evaluation of parents of children with chronic illnesses or cancerand will describe the theoretical framework for this assessment and the subsequentintervention for parents of children with childhood cancer.
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